April 15 sometimes brings out the worst in people. For a long time, the Tax Foundation has been annually publicizing "Tax Freedom Day," billed as the day of the year when Americans have earned enough to pay all their taxes. (This year it's April 17, they say.) Citizens for Tax Justice debunked the Tax Freedom Day concept quite effectively almost a decade ago, and the
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities now responds to the Tax Foundation report annually, with a good
summary explaining why the "Tax Freedom Day" concept is silly and inaccurate when it's used as an estimate of middle-class tax burdens. Of course, this doesn't stop the Tax Foundation from publishing the same misleading statistics every year-- and certainly doesn't stop more gullible members of the media from reporting these statistics verbatim.
So here's a quick roll call of newspapers that did especially well and especially poorly in reporting this issue.
Boos:1) Newsday reported this data with no caveats whatsoever. Their coverage is
here and
2) The Chattanooga Times Free Press regurgitates the Tax Foundation line with no critical analysis in an editorial. The editors note simperingly that "thanks to federal income tax cuts championed by President George W. Bush, [Tax Freedom Day] is still coming 16 days earlier than it came late in the administration of President Bill Clinton," and cite the Tax Foundation data as proof that "It is especially clear that taxes are still too high." The Free Press doesn't make their content available to non-subscribers, so you can't read it-- but it's no great loss.
3) In what appears (on their on-line edition) to be an
editorial, the Macon Telegraph cites the Tax Foundation data approvingly, decrying the "unfair share" we all pay to Uncle Sam. The Telegraph absolves itself a little tiny bit by noting that "the machinations, computations, calculations and guesswork that get us to that final tax bite number is more troubling than writing the check itself," but then throws it all away by citing tax complexity as a reason to enact a flat tax. I'd rank them #1 except that I want to reserve that distinction for a newspaper someone has heard of.
4) A brief yet irresponsible
editorial in the Belleville News-Democrat gives the basic TF spiel, then reminds us that "it will be worse if Congress refuses to make Bush's tax cuts permanent."
5) The Deseret Morning News takes two swings at this one. A member of the paper's editorial board page
cites the TF data approvingly-- then calls it "boring statistics" and asserts that "It's enough to know that you spend about a third of your time working to pay your government." Another
article gives the TF data such fawning attention that it would probably rank #1 for ineptness all by itself. Here's the critical evaluation: "The Tax Foundation study was based on an analysis of incomes related to Net National Product. Other groups use different statistical approaches, including personal income and gross domestic product. The differences in the results are usually around 1 percent, which is "fairly trivial," Hodge said." What the crack research staff at the Morning News has done here is to read the section of the TF's own report where they give their own (very misleading) version of what critical people have said, and then just regurgigate the TF language. First prize!
6) The Atlanta Journal Constitution presents the Tax Foundation data USA-Style, with virtually no analysis of any kind,
7) South Carolina's "The State" newspaper gets bonus points for not making a big rhetorical deal about it, but is firmly on the list for
not reflecting even momentarily about whether the Tax Foundation data makes sense.
1) The Boston Herald reports the Tax Foundation data without soliciting input from the many researchers who think it's a misleading measure. But the Herald
article wins points for noting that Massachusetts has an especially late Tax Freedom Day not because its taxes are so high (they're not) but because Massachusetts is a relatively wealthy state. Cleverly, the Herald also points out that when the mounting federal deficits are included, Tax Freedom Day is much later. (Take that, Chattanooga Free Press.)
2) The Buffalo News actually cites the CBPP critique of the TF data in their nicely skeptical
piece. They don't get to the critical point raised by CBPP, which is that the use of national and statewide averages grossly overstates the impact of taxes on the typical taxpayer, but never mind.
3) Alan Essig and Sarah Beth Coffey of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute
point out that the Tax Foundation's flawed data can be used in a way that makes the relatively low cost of adequately funding state services sound pretty good. (quick free registration required).
Honorable mention to all those newspaper editors who smelled a rat and chose not to write about the Tax Foundation's bogus study at all.